How To Survive A Snake Bite

How To Survive A Snake Bite

MyMedEquip Admin |

Australia contains some of the most venomous snakes in the world - 170 species to be precise! Close to 3,000 people are bitten by snakes every year within Australia. When it comes to surviving a venomous snake, prevention is the best medicine!

But in the unfortunate event that you, or someone you know, become one of the 3,000 people bitten by snakes each year, we've made it easier for you to be a survivor. We've provided everything you need (bar a doctor with the antivenom) to survive a snake bite until help comes! All in one neat package.

We’ve chosen to use AEROFORM Snake Bite Bandages, which have a built in pressure indicator to ensure you are applying at least 40-55mmHg of pressure to the affected limb. Snake venom travels through the lymphatic system, the flow of which is restricted at 40-55mmHg. Lymphatic drainage is facilitated through the movement of muscle, so ensuring the victim is as motionless as possible is recommended.

Both our Snake Bite Kits come with triangular bandages to help facilitate immobilisation. Our Premium Snake Bite Kit also comes with an aluminium splint to further support immobilisation.

The contents of both kits have all the requirements to achieve the Pressure Immobilisation Technique as recommended by the Australian Resuscitation Council.

For a demonstration of how to use the contents of this kit in the event of a snake bite, watch Student Paramedics' video demonstration here.


  1. When going out for adventures, prefer to bring a friend with you
  2. Wear boots and long pants for extra protection
  3. Stay on trails when hiking, away from underbrush and tall weeds
  4. Do not touch or disturb a snake, even if it appears dead
  5. Always look for concealed snakes before picking up rocks, sticks or firewood
  6. Teach children to respect snakes and to leave them alone

If Bitten, How To ACT 

  1. Immobilise the affected limb
  2. Keep the victim calm and stationary – minimise heart rate and stop all physical activity
  3. Keep the affected extremity below heart level until you can be transported to a medical facility
  4. Get immediate medical attention to the nearest hospital that can deliver Tetanus Toxoid, anti-venom and emergency care

If Bitten, DO NOT 

  1. Do NOT suck the wound

  2. Do NOT cut the wound open

  3. Do NOT tie ligatures around the wound

  4. Do NOT burn the wound

  5. Do NOT apply herbal pastes, creams or ice over the wound

  6. Do NOT use a tourniquet or constricting band

  7. Do NOT try to cut or slice the bite site

  8. Do NOT try to get the snake to bring it with you



